The Sheriff's Academy for Youth or S.A.Y. is a summer day camp program that Sheriff Woodruff provides every summer in conjunction with Troup County Parks and Recreation Department. The camp consists of two one-week day camps that our area youth are exposed to the function and duties of the Sheriff's Office along with several other topics that range from stranger danger to water safety. The first week kids ages 9-10 are accepted and the program is tailored to their interests and needs in that age bracket. The second week is for kids ages 11-12 and they are also taught safety and awareness in matters that are more relevant to their age group as well. The S.A.Y. Academy begins each morning with a topic taught by either a Sheriff's Office Staff member or an outside expert and then following the morning sessions the kids are rewarded by an afternoon of swimming, skating or going to an appropriately rated movie. The hours of the day camp are from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. with the exception of Friday, which is graduation day.